How to organize and improve the tags in your Ghost blog 🏷
Learn 6 tips about how to organize and improve the tags in your Ghost blog

Let's see how to organize and improve the tags in your Ghost blog in order to keep the order with a good structure and improve the SEO performance
Wait... what is a tag? 🤔
A tag is a keyword that describes a post. And ideally it could describes a group of posts.
Differences between tags and categories 🤓
Both help you to organize your blog content but categories are a wider concept, often related to a general theme with a descriptive title and usually a few more words.
A tag are more specific and addresses directly to a specific topic of a post 🎯
💡Keep in mind Ghost has not categories but tags
✅ How to organize and improve your tags
- 🔥Use short names for tags, like one or two words
- 👍 Use tags with common sense: probably 10 tags or less per post are fine
- 🧲 At least have a few posts per tag. Find the less used tags in your Ghostboard > Tags report, so you can write more about them
- 🏆 Plan some tags to align to your blog keywords for SEO
- ⚡️Analyze your current content: think to add some tags of topics shared in a few posts, in order to help your readers to find similar posts. For example, take a look of your popular posts to identify a common topic to create a tag about it.
- 👏 Analyze your current tags: see if you have unused tags in your Ghostboard > Tags report. If you don't need them, just remove them in your Ghost admin. You can find them easily in your Ghostboard > Tags report
💡 Keep in mind the goal is to help readers & search engines to find similar posts in your blog
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