How to integrate Ghostboard with Ghost Content API
Check out how to integrate Ghostboard with Ghost Content API in just a couple of clicks with this step-by-step guide with screenshots

Starting on version 2.10, Ghost deprecated the public API and created the new Content API ✨
This change improves the access and security of the content but the output is the same: just public data of posts, tags & authors. Read more about the Content API.
How to integrate Ghostboard 🌈
1 - Log in into your Ghost admin and click on Integrations on the left menu:
2 - Go to the bottom section and click to the green button Add custom integration on the top right corner:
3 - On the popup, set the name of the new integration: ghostboard and click on the Create green button:
4 - Copy the Content API key: click on the Copy dark button that will appear when mouse over the key or select/copy manually
5 - Paste the key on Ghostboard and click the Done blue button:
👏 Congrats, the integration is completed!
Extra bonus 💅
Feel free to download the next icon and set it in your Ghost admin for the Ghostboard integration:
Take a look, it looks nice!
Write your Ghost blog success 🚀
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Happy to help you and answer any question, tweet us or contact in your dashboard! 👋