2021 Year in review
Here is a highlight of the new features, changes, releases and content created in 2021. Happy to worked on them for you and more to come!
Ghostboard in 2021

Newsletters Report 💌
Ghostboard included the Newsletters report for all plans with the funnel, percent and charts you see in the screenshot.
Tracker CDN ⚡️
In September, Ghostboard improved the CDN for the tracker file improving performance reducing response time by 59% and size by 68%.
Learn more in this post: https://ghostboard.io/blog/announcing-new-cdn/

Sync Monitor 📡
Recently, Ghostboard added a new report showing the flags about content sync and any error in order to visualize earlier.
It's planned to extend this report with a new feature in 2022 😇
Dynamic IP filter 👮
Ghostboard added 2 new options to filter the current user IP dynamically and another option to filter the IP of any user that enters successfully to any password-protected dashboard.
These options can be toggled any time and individually.

Manager access 💼
Probably it will be renamed to Team Access. This is the feature to invite any user to manage your account with full permissions.
Remember if you wish to allow only read access, you can share custom dashboards and also optionally protect them with a password in the Share section of your dashboard.

Live & Links 🤖
The Live and Links reports were totally rebuilt to improve accuracy, reliability and general performance.
ghost-purge-images 🎁
Several versions of our open-source tool ghost-purge-images were released this year! Some of the new features are support for audio, video, thumbnail and any file in the new cards in Ghost.
If you are using it or like it, please give a start and share with your friends
turbo-geoip-country 🎁
This year we released the new open source repository turbo-geoip-country it's an updated and performance-first NodeJS library to get the country of any IP.
Published content ✍️

More to come in 2022, stay tuned! Happy New Year 🥂